

your potential

Your working day will be focused on the development of the project that you have proposed in your application. The basic method of work at PARL is to research and develop, evolve through doing, reflect feedback and decide on the next step. The 2024 PARL will run according to the following schedule:

with Jurij Konjar

Morning classes will focus on different aspects of physical and mental workouts in order to wake you up and prepare for the work on the project. During nine mornings Jurij Konjar will challenge you to dialogue with an old friend – your bodily movement, from a fresh perspective.


22 – 30 AUG
Every day 10:00 – 12:00
Španski borci

Open for interested dancers and performers. The number of participants is limited. Apply here: [email protected]

For the development of your project proposal, PARL provides you with the basic spatial conditions (rehearsal studio, gallery space, basic black box) and minimal technical equipment. We will assign you a working space based on the need that you define in your project proposal.

EVERY DAY 12:00 – 17:00

The PARL feedback team will focus on all aspects of your project development, e.g. conceptual questions, creative process, contextualization, structuring, production model, aesthetic elements (space, motion, speech, presence, sound, video…), the presentation model, the strategy of your relationship with the viewer, socially critical relevance, etc.

EVERY DAY 17:00 – 19:00

Neforma is an evening of free improvisation that encourages spontaneous, exchange, responsiveness and openness, as well as welcome failures, misshapes and stage disasters, as an equally important part of the creative process.

27 AUG 20:00 – 22:00
Španski borci

The final day is dedicated to your work-in-progress presentations. The length of each presentation is limited to 30 minutes and minimum technical requirements. The presentations are followed by final feedback and discussion.

31 AUG 16:00 – 22:00
Španski borci